I want to wish a very Happy Veteran’s Day to all my fellow veterans (Army 1980-1985; Schweinfurt, West Germany and Presidio of San Francisco, CA).
Please download and read this article by the then-soldier-artist Bill Mauldin about Rockwell Kent during Kent’s visit to Camp Barkley, Texas in 1942. Kent was on a good-will tour of American military bases. It is an amusing and interesting article entitled, “Our Frustrated Cartoonist Chats With That Unfrustrated Artist, Rockwell Kent.” Thanks to Scott Ferris for providing a great copy of the article and accompanying photograph.
The two illustrations below are about 18 years apart. The first is Kent’s illustration for the cover of the American Legion Victory Ball Program from November 10, 1924. It shows the American Victory Monument at St. Nazaire, France. The second is the cover to a charity program he did in 1942, showing an American Soldier helping a young child. As a former Soldier, it has always been one of favorite drawings by Kent.